Showing posts with label news. Show all posts
Showing posts with label news. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Heya peepers!

So while I'm waiting for men to show their interest towards my survey, I figured it was time
to write a personal post again. Kinda let ya guys know what's going on with me.

So, obviously I'm still gaming, that's a given. But the previous relationship took a little toll on
my spare time. We had such different interests and he was .. uhm.. very specific on what he
wanted to use his time on. So we pretty much always did what he wanted to do.

And yes, it is a  previous  relationship now. We broke it off about 3 months ago.
Just wasn't gonna work out. ☺ No hard feelings.

After the break-up I decided to try abstinence, at least 'till there was actually someone in my life that
I was interested in. Because dull one-night-stands just didn't seem worth my while anymore.

It was SUPER hard. I mean, wow, my clit was going cray-cray. After 3-4 weeks without sex,
I could feel it throbbing 24/7. Sexual frustration almost made me forsake my plans.
But somehow I managed to survive. Though I did go on a couple of dates, didn't even kiss anyone.
Not one make-out session took place in that period of time. And I gotta say, pretty damn proud of it!

It's not like I'm a prude that is against one-night-stands, no. I've had my fair share, believe me.
But maybe because I've already been down that road and lived a little, I knew I needed more this
time around. Casual sex had become so boring even before the last guy I dated.

And now I've found a guy that I like a lot. Hell, I'm crazy about him! andhispenis
We have so much in common and share the same kind of humor.
He makes me feel like a damn teenager. It's weird, but I like it!

And yeah. He's a little shy so I'm gonna keep the dirty to myself 'till I get his permission to
share some of it with you guys. BUT I can tell ya this much: IT IS AMAZEBALLS.


if you're into online gaming you should download TERA Eu « HERE « and join me and
my friends on a crusade in Arcadia server. If you already play Tera or just decided to start, contact me through a parcel that you can send to my main Crudelis. ☺ Cya around!

© Anonymous92126

Saturday, December 13, 2014


Dear readers!

I have thought long and hard and I want to expand Sexclusive! to be a team of writers!
That is, if I can find someone good enough. Are you up for the challenge?

Look on the right at the Hit me up -box and send me an e-mail if you're interested!

© Anonymous92126

Monday, November 17, 2014

A highly recommended BF

Heya guys!

I know it's been a while again, been super busy.
And super lazy at the same time. It happens.

How have you all been?

I've been great!
So much has happened again, not sure where to begin.

Well, I started studying again, being productive about my future,
which is good. Finally moved too.

And I started dating this amazing guy.
That's right, this little piggy just left the market!

Dirty details? Hmm. Not sure he wants everyone to know, but okay!
He's FUNNY. Uhhuh. Good looking too. And clever.

AND he comes highly recommended. No, not HOW YOU THINK, you perverts!

He used to work in the same town as my aunt and just yesterday she was talking
to the city-executive-mayor-person-guy(?!) and she told him that her niece is..
(what should we call him? His name starts with a J, so let's go with that..)
.. dating J and the city-executive-mayor-person-guy(?!) told her to tell me, to NEVER,
in whatever the situation is, let go of this amazing, intelligent, hardworkinghonest
(and the list goes on and on..) man.

So as you see, he really does come highly, HIGHLY recommended. ☺
He also has fairly good taste in food, he's a great cook and he can make a pretty badass cheese cake.


( PS.  The   s e x   is great..  shhhh ... )

Then onto other things.
I'm in the hospital because I have contracted the puumala virus, PUUV,
which is a species of hantavirus. It's a virus that spreads by the feces of bank voles.
The excrement turns into dust after it dries and once you inhale it you can catch the virus.
It can't be transmitted from human to human. The virus was first found in Finland but there have been
cases elsewhere in Northern Europe as well. Check the Wiki page for more info!

I got in here yesterday, after 5 days of almost 40 °C fever (equal to 104 °F).
The blood test for the virus came back positive and soon after they assigned me a room.

Now the fever has gone down a bit, but I still feel tired all the time.
Hopefully I'll get out soon.

My granny died and I'd really like to be there for my dad and the rest of my relatives to help them
with the funeral arrangements. They want me to write something to say at the reception.

Well that's it for the news flash.

Next piece I'm writing is about sexual stereotypes, 
if you want, you can comment below about any that come to mind! 

Thank you and cya soon!

/Edit 10:53 - Just got news that I get to go home if I promise to drink enough or go have an iv fix at the ER if I feel dehydrated. Blood tests again on Thursday, but at least until then my arms are safe!

©  Anonymous92126